_____________________________________________________ IGO (pronounced `eego') Announcing an easy and inspiring computer introduction to the world famous oriental game of strategy, called simply, `GO' Anyone who enjoys games will immediately get caught up in the excitement and challenge of this `father of all board games'. The game of Go originated in Asia some 4000 years ago and is now far and away the most popular board game in the far east. Today Go is rapidly gaining enthusiastic players in all western countries. The rules of play in Go are much easier to learn than in chess. But the strategic possibilities in Go are far greater than in chess. And Go is much more fun for beginners because of its excellent handicaping system. The `IGO' program offers a go teaching tutorial, a play.against.you feature, and example games with commentary explaining the whys of each move and counter-move. IGO plays against you on a 9-line board (ideal for beginners). User chooses from four progressively more difficult opponent strength levels. Also, IGO will explain the reasons for its moves and will suggest good moves for you to try. IGO will display an estimate of `who's ahead' as the game progresses, and the user can experiment at any time by taking back a move or two so as to try out a different sequence and thus learn what strategy works best. ALL THIS IN SUPERB COLOR GRAPHICS! ____________________________________________________ Freeware from: AMERICAN GO ASSOCIATION Contact: Roger B. White 5840 Briarwood Ln. Solon OH 44139 (216'248-8433) IGO is a combination of THE MANY FACES OF GO by David Fotland, and THE WAY TO GO by Karl Baker, as edited by Roger White. Contents of this program copyright by the above and the Ameican Go Association and Ishi press International. Reproduction is encouraged, but only in the form of this authorized version. 3/1/92